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The College of Arts Organizes an Exchange Symposium for the Italy Study Abroad Program and Online Academic Conference

2024-05-18 11:17:56

On the afternoon of May 17th, the College of Arts held an exchange symposium for the Italy study abroad program in classroom F414. The event was attended by three representatives from the Accademia di Belle Arti di Lecce, with Mr. HAN Lei among them, as well as the Associate Prof. GUO Zongping, Deputy Director of the National Design & Art Experimental Teaching Demonstration Center, and third- and fourth-year students from various majors within the College.

During the symposium, Mr. HAN Lei provided a detailed introduction to the geographical location, historical overview, high-quality programs, and course offerings of the Accademia di Belle Arti di Lecce. He also briefly introduced the Italian " Programma Turandot " and extended a sincere invitation to the students to visit the Accademia di Belle Arti di Lecce for exchange studies. In his concluding remarks, Associate Prof. GUO Zongping advised students to plan their study abroad endeavors early, while managing their current studies and work.

Following the symposium, Prof. LIU Dongxia, the Deputy Dean (Acting) of the College of Arts, organized the first "Art and Artificial Intelligence" International Art and Innovation Forum in meeting room F609, with participation from faculty members of various departments. This forum was co-organized by the Accademia di Belle Arti di Lecce, the MIT Media Lab, the Central Academy of Fine Arts, the Federal University of Minas Gerais in Brazil, and the Ars Electronica Festival in Austria. Participating faculty members engaged in in-depth discussions on the application of artificial intelligence in art creation, education, and management, with the hope of inspiring more innovative thinking and ideas in teaching and research through this forum.

This event not only provided students with valuable information and opportunities for studying abroad but also created a platform for faculty to exchange and explore the integration of cutting-edge technology and art. It further promoted the college's development in internationalization and diversified education.
