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The domestic evaluation of the 9th National College Digital Art&Design Awards

2021-06-30 10:41:32



The evaluation of the 9th National  College Digital Art&Design Awards(NCDA AWARDS) had been organized by Art College on 30th, June ,2021, whose judges included associate professors Dongxia Liu, Yongli Gao, Xiao Zhang, Jue Zhang, teacher Guannan Pang and awards secretary Yuxuan Liu.


National College Digital Art&Design Awards (NCDA Competition for Future Designers) is a high-level and well-known competition in the field of art design, which is one of the professional competitions that college students actively participate in and has wide influence. It is also an important platform for college students to participate in design innovation activities. Its participants consist of teachers and students. The "student group" and the "teacher group" are both the competition items of the "National Ranking List of Subject Competition in Colleges and Universities" released by the China Association of Higher Education.


The Art college actively organized undergraduate and graduate students to participate in this competition, and domestic experts put forward suggestions on the content, format, creativity and other parts of the works. In this competition, the Art College evaluated 290 works in total, and finally submitted 245 works. Among them, 233 works from student group and 12 works from teacher group will compete in provincial competition.


The Art College of Taiyuan University of Technology will host the 9th National College Digital Art&Design Awards in Shanxi this year.
