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Professors from Accademia di Belle Arti di Lecce Visited the Academy

2024-04-08 10:56:36

On the morning of April 7th, 2024, Prof. Cosimo Marullo, Executive Vice President of Accademia di Belle Arti di Lecce, Prof. Tiziano Margiotta, Director of the Center for International Exchange and Cooperation, along with three colleagues visited the College of Arts. Dean Prof. LIU Dongxia, Deputy Dean Prof. GAO Yongli, Associate Prof. GUO Zongping, Deputy Director of the National Design & Art Experimental Teaching Demonstration Center, as well as department heads and relevant professional teachers, met with the guests.

Prof. Cosimo Marullo introduced the academic history, disciplines, talent cultivation, and distinctive features of the Academy. Prof. Tiziano Margiotta provided a detailed overview of collaborative talent cultivation and research project cooperation, sharing experiences of international collaboration between the Accademia di Belle Arti di Lecce and several domestic institutions.

Prof. LIU Dongxia warmly welcomed the visiting Prof. Cosimo Marullo and fellowsexpressing anticipation for further strengthening communication and exchange between the two institutions to jointly advance deep cooperation in cultural and artistic education. Prof. GAO Yongli provided a detailed introduction to the academic disciplines and faculty strengths. Department heads and relevant professional teachers engaged in friendly discussions on student and faculty exchange, joint research, etc.

Following the meeting, the professors visited professional studios and laboratories for oil painting, rock painting, calligraphy, lacquer art, and ceramics. They gave full recognition to the achievements in fine arts and design. This exchange activity laid a good foundation for the next step of in-depth cooperation between the two institutions.
