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The First "Cloud Defense" of the 20th Graduate Students Went Smoothly

2020-07-14 09:52:19

On May 22, the defense of the 2017 master's program in visual communication and digital media was held in the F112 and F113 conference room of the College of Arts. Due to the epidemic situation, the main venue of the defense was set up in the college and the Ding Ding platform was used to live broadcast the whole process. Experts from outside the university made comments online, and students who had not returned to the university answered the thesis online. All freshmen and sophomores studied online, and graduate tutors attended.

The defense committee is headed by Professor Zhao Hui, and its members are Professor Hao Weidong of Taiyuan Normal University, Associate Professor Wu Xiaoming of Shanxi University, as well as internal experts Professor Zhang Guiming and Associate Professor Fan Wei. At the beginning of the defense, all the students in each group read the Statement of Originality of Thesis collectively, and then began to report the thesis for no less than 15 minutes in turn. After that, the defense secretary read out the main problems and deficiencies in the paper review book, and the respondent reported the modification one by one. Then the review experts conducted questions in turn, and put forward suggestions for revision. The atmosphere of the two groups of defense is harmonious, with excellent defense by students and professional comments by experts.

Online defense is recorded and made public, which requires high professional level of teachers and students. Not only the respondent's thesis should stand up to scrutiny, but also the review teacher should strictly control the thesis and pay attention to helping students revise it by asking questions.

Wishing the students of our college a successful defense and a bright future.
